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CLI command flags

This page lists all available flags and their usage across commands.

Global flags

These are flags that can be used with any command.


Server config file (default "resonate.yml")


Log level, can be one of:

  • debug
  • info (default)
  • warn
  • error


Basic auth password


Server address used by the client (default "").


Basic auth username

Command flags

These are flags that are specific to a command.


Schedule cron expression.

Used in:


Schedule description.

Used in:


An optional idempotency key to ensure idempotency in promise operations.

Used in:


Enforces strict mode in promise operations. Default is true.

Used in:


Specifies the timeout duration for promises

Used in:


Specifies the timeout duration for promises in Schedules.

Used in:


Specifies the data for promises.

Used in:


Specifies headers for promise requests.

Used in:


Assigns tags to promises or schedules.

Used in:


Promise tags. Default is [].

Used in:


Promise param data

Used in:


Promise param header. Default is [].

Used in:


Templated schedule id, can include {{.timestamp}}.

Used in:


Filters promises by state.

Used in:


Limits the number of results in searches.

Used in:


Pagination cursor for search results.

Used in:


Specifies the output format.

Used in:


Specifies the size of the submission queue buffered channel for the API.

Used in:


Sets the HTTP server address for the API. Default is "".

Used in:


Specifies the graceful shutdown timeout for the HTTP server. Default is 10s.

Used in:


Sets the gRPC server address for the API. Default is "".

Used in:


Sets the base URL used to generate absolute URLs for the server's resources. Default is "http://localhost:8001".

Used in:


Provides basic authentication with username/password pairs for HTTP requests. Default is [].

Used in:


Specifies the size of the completion queue buffered channel for AIO. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the type of promise store (e.g., sqlite, postgres). Default is "sqlite".

Used in:


Specifies the size of the store submission queue buffered channel for AIO. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the number of concurrent store connections for AIO. Default is 1

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of submissions processed by a store worker per tick. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the SQLite database path. Default is "resonate.db".

Used in:


Specifies the SQLite transaction timeout. Default is 10s.

Used in:


Enables resetting the SQLite database on shutdown.

Used in:


Specifies the PostgreSQL host. Default is "localhost".

Used in:


Specifies the PostgreSQL port. Default is "5432".

Used in:


Specifies the PostgreSQL username.

Used in:


Specifies the PostgreSQL password.

Used in:


Specifies the PostgreSQL database name. Default is "resonate".

Used in:


Specifies query options for PostgreSQL. Default is [].

Used in:


Specifies the PostgreSQL transaction timeout. Default is 10s.

Used in:


Enables resetting the PostgreSQL database on shutdown.

Used in:


Specifies the size of the network submission queue buffered channel for AIO. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the number of concurrent HTTP requests for the network. Default is 3.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of submissions processed by a network worker per tick. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the network request timeout. Default is 10s.

Used in:


Specifies the size of the queuing submission queue buffered channel for AIO. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of submissions processed by a queuing worker per tick. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the queuing subsystem connections.

Used in:


Specifies the queuing subsystem routes.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of coroutines to run concurrently. Default is 1000.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of notifications to keep in the cache. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of submissions to process on each tick. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of completions to process on each tick. Default is 100.

Used in:


Specifies the maximum number of schedules to process on each tick. Default is 1000.

Used in:


Specifies the Prometheus metrics server port. Default is 9090.

Used in:


Enables ignore-asserts mode.

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