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Get started with Resonate

How to get started using Resonate?

The answer can be a little bit use case specific, however generically you would follow these steps.

Step 1. Choose your SDK

Resonate currently has a TypeScript SDK and a Python SDK.

However, the SDKs are currently at different stages of development and do not yet offer the same set of capabilities and features.

You may consider which SDK to use based on your use case.

Step 2. Install the SDK

Next, install the SDK with your language's dependency manager.

For TypeScript this would be npm or yarn. See the TypeScript SDK Guide for details.

For Python this could be pip, pipenv, or poetry for example. See the Python SDK repository for details.

Step 3. Start building your application

Generically speaking, to use a Resonate SDK in your application you will do the following:

  1. Import the SDK package into your project.
  2. Register the functions that you want to have Durable Promises.
  3. Start and run functions using the handle provided by the SDK.

See the following SDK guides for details:

Just by using the SDK, your application will have access to automatic and configurable failure detection and mitigation through timeouts and retries as well as a few other features.

Step 4. Connect to a Resonate Server

To make your promises and functions durable even in the face of complete hardware crashes, then start a Resonate Server and provide the connection URL to the handle provided by the SDK.

See the Install and run the Resonate Server guide for details.