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Welcome to the Overview section for the Resonate server! The Resonate server consists of a single binary that contains everything the SDKs needs for durable mode to perform features such as recoverability, distributed locking, stateful reminders, fan-out/fan-in pattern, and more.


To get started, simply install the Resonate CLI using either of the following options:

MacOS and Linux

brew install resonatehq/tap/resonate


You may also download the GitHub artifacts directly from our repo.

Starting the Server

The following command starts the Resonate server with default configuration.

resonate serve

Once running, you'll see log output like:

time=2023-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00 level=INFO msg="starting http server" addr=
time=2023-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00 level=INFO msg="starting grpc server" addr=
time=2023-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00 level=INFO msg="starting metrics server" addr=:9090

Resonate API

This is an overview of the Resonate API surface area.

Promises API

OpenAPI Specification

The Promise API is the core of the Resonate server. It allows us to store computational progress in a database. By doing this, we can offer recoverability to processes using our SDK even after a process crash due to hardware or software failures. Currently, we support two databases:

  1. SQLite (default)
  2. PostgreSQL

If you don't see the database you are looking for, we are highly composable and eagerly accept contributions!

Tasks API

OpenAPI Specification

The Tasks API allows users to route durable promises to a set of workers. This is very useful for implementing the Fan-out/Fan-in pattern. Unlike the other APIs, this requires a small amount of server configuration to set up the routing rules.

Schedules API

OpenAPI Specification

The Schedules API allows users to schedule the creation of durable promises with a cron expression. This is useful for creating stateful reminders, also known as cron jobs. Applications can either poll for the created stateful reminders, which will persist beyond crashes, or pair it with the distributed tasks framework. When paired, the creation of a durable promise automatically gets routed and triggers a process at certain intervals.

Distributed Locks API

OpenAPI Specification

The Distributed Locks API is used to provide mutually exclusive access to a resource. This is primarily used as an internal API for the SDKs and Workers, but can also be used as a standalone API by the user.


One unique feature is the processId parameter, which uniquely identifies a process and allows for optimized updates of all locks associated with that process. By including the processId in the lock acquisition and heartbeat requests, the SDK can easily update the expiration time for all locks held by a specific process in a single API call.


Optionally, you can start Resonate with a configuration file.

./resonate serve --config resonate.yml

The following example file lists all default settings.

baseUrl: http://localhost:8001
size: 100
addr: ""
timeout: 10s
addr: ""

size: 100
size: 100
workers: 1
batchSize: 100
kind: sqlite # also: postgres
path: resonate.db
txTimeout: 250ms
host: localhost
port: 5432
username: ""
password: ""
database: resonate
txTimeout: 250ms
size: 100
workers: 3
batchSize: 100
timeout: 10s

notificationCacheSize: 100
submissionBatchSize: 100
completionBatchSize: 100

port: 9090

Additionally, all configuration options can be specified as command line flags.

./resonate serve --help