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Transparent batching

The Resonate SDK provides a way for developers to batch operations transparently. The developer need only define a data structure and a handler function that processes the batch. Resonate will then automatically handle the batching and execution of the handler function.

For example, consider an application that uses S3 to store files. Typically a single request to the application corresponds to a single S3 operation. But if the application needs to process tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of requests per second, the cost of making individual requests to S3 can become prohibitive.

S3 provides a batching API that allows you to make the same change to multiple objects in a single request, potentially saving your application a significant amount of time. However, using the batching API would normally require you to manage the batching logic yourself.

With Resonate all you need to do is define the data structure and provide a handler, and Resonate takes care of the rest, potenitally significantly reducing the amount of overhead required to use the S3 batching API.

For a deeper dive into transparent batching, check out the Transparent batching with the Resonate Python SDK blog post.

Or visit the developer documentation for more information: